Monday, July 27, 2009

Amazing vanishing Sparrow

I have not been successful at updating this blog. Sorry, loyal followers! I've been spending lots of time with my friends and staring at the glowing rectangle of a computer monitor has been even less of a priority than usual. I'm back on my own for a few days, but a serious update isn't going to happen tonight because I've already spent a lot of time online trying to plan my onward journey and internet cafes ain't cheap. However, here is a list of places that I have been since last I updated this blog:

-Aberystwyth (for Sonia's fabulous wedding, and again for Danny's graduation)
-London, where I went to small portions of several museums, saw Troilus and Cressida at the Globe, and much more
-Telford, home of the amazing Danny and his many cats
-Stonehenge, which wasn't as good as I'd hoped but still interesting
-the Lake District, which is stupendously, astoundingly gorgeous, though rainy (hence the lakes). I want lots more time there.
-Liverpool, home of the super Sonia and her family, plus interesting public art and annoyingly muddy beaches (Those were my cleaner walking shoes, darn it!)

Now, I'm in York, which I really like. The cathedral alone ate much of my day. More details about all of this later, possibly. Or not.

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