Tuesday, June 2, 2009

By Jove, it's a travel blog!

Huzzah! I'm going to abroad the UK and Ireland this summer. This blog exists as a way to easily keep everyone I know informed about my travels. I'll try to update with reasonable regularity, but don't expect too much. After all, the point of travel is to see and do stuff, not to sit around typing about seeing and doing stuff.

Things you can expect to see in this blog:
-excited rambling about everything from cool historical sites to British accents
-extreme levels of geekiness, especially with regards to Doctor Who. And Tolkien. And Shakespeare. And Monty Python. Really, lots of geekiness in general.
-excessively long and potentially whiny posts about the challenges of travel
-short and cryptic posts
-polysyllabic words, but also small amounts of internet slang (mostly employed for the humor value)
-tree-hugging, metaphorical and possibly also literal
-possibly mediocre photography, if I can figure out how to post photos easily
-raving about the various fantastic friends I will be seeing.
-the unexpected!

Right, enough typing. I have preparations to make.

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